Jude Hungerford, The landscape at my feet (ART 2024)

Daily I walk in both urban and natural landscapes and photograph what I see. I am most taken by those things that are either entirely natural or man-made ordinary objects which take on shapes, pattens, a nature that is almost a trompe l’oeil. Those objects or textures often form, to me, another thing altogether. My work here are shots taken of cracked concrete paving footpaths. They have always looked like mountain ranges to me and I have a huge collection. Each has been taken at a different time and in a different place and apart from making the ‘landforms’ darker I have done no editing. The leaves and bird poo and general scuffing by thousands of feet over years have been left and yet the cracked concrete pavers are entirely convincing as mountain ranges. I love that such a mundane, utilitarian thing can evoke adventures, travel and beauty.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.