Watch Netflix's Platon documentary, free on YouTube

If you're familiar with the work of British photographer Platon, you'll know what an amazing portrait photographer he is. And if you have no idea exactly who he is, or why he gets commissioned to photograph some of the most recognized people on earth, then you're in for a real treat! 

Netflix dedicated one of the episodes of season one of their brilliant 2017 documentary series, Abstract: The Art of Design, and it's now free to watch on YouTube.

Platon has photographed everyone who's anyone across politics, movies and television, music, sport, business, and the art world. The documentary provides a fasciniating insight into how he works, and how he produces such honest and revealing portraits. It also shares his creative process, along with his advice for shooting more emotive portraits. 

Described by the director of Time magazine, John Huey, as "one of the greatest photographers in the world", read the reamrkable stroy of his photoshoot with with Vladimir Putin at this link.

Netflix's Abstract: The Art of Design series seeks to "step inside the minds of the most innovative designers in a variety of disciplines and learn how design impacts every aspect of life."


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