Johnny Depp set to become one of the world’s greatest photographers

One of Hollywood’s best-known actors, Johnny Depp, is set to play the part of one of the photography world’s best known practioners, W. Eugene Smith. Depp will play Smith’s character in the upcoming drama, Minamata. Based on the book by Smith and his wife, Aileen Mioko Smith, and adapted for screen by David K. Kessler, the story tells of Smith’s journey back to Japan to expose a story of corporate greed and complicit local police and government that led to the devastating annihilation of a coastal community.

Mercury compounds dumped into Minamata Bay by Chisso Corporation were the source of the poisoning. Today, suffers of Minamata disease are still seeking compensation through the courts. Initial compensation agreements for the disaster were struck in 1959.

Minamata was Smith’s last photo essay, completed in the 1970s, and depicted the victims of mercury poisoning. Images shot by W. Eugene Smith at Minamata in 1971 can be seen by clicking this link.


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