
RØDE has announced three new products aimed at content creators: the Interview PRO, a broadcast-quality wireless handheld microphone, and two smartphone filmmaking accessories, the Phone Cage and Magnetic Mount.

Imagine being able to create a panoramic fine art print that can be theoretically 162.5 cm wide by 15 meters long!

With an insane zoom range like this – could this be the only zoom you'll ever need?

World Press Photo has announced its regional winners for 2024, in the annual competition that celebrates the world's best photojournalism. 

The 2024 IMAA Mentorship program is now open to all emerging, student and assistant photographers who would like the opportunity to be mentored by some of Australia’s top photographers

Have you recently purchased, or are planning to purchase a Lumix product? To get an extended 3-year bonus warranty, find the details in this press release from Panasonic.

What does it take to create an award-winning black and white image? To find out, we asked our 2023 Mono Awards judges for their tips on creating compelling black and white imagery. 

Amidst the rumours of the R5MkII being released in April, it's nice to see that the original R5 is still getting some new firmware love.

As a photographer, videographer and graphic designer who has been working solely off a 14inch laptop, the PA32UCXR is a welcomed aid for creativity.

Streaming giant Netflix has launched applications for its second Unit Photography Bootcamp, open to photographers Australia-wide who are keen to learn more about a career in the screen industry.

Would you pay between $5,000 to $8,000 to get your hands on 'a hard to get' camera retailing from $2,800 to $3,500?

ENDING THIS SUNDAY 24 MARCH. Put on your sensible walking shoes and go on a 'treasure hunt' to glean some photographic gold from the 100 unique exhibitions in Melbourne and Regional Victoria.

Touted as an analog camera – it features effects such as Bulb, exposure compensation, 'baked-in' light filters and even a physical vignette ring.

With a price tag of $11,690 AUD, this camera represents a substantial generational leap beyond the 2019 Leica SL2.

In a surprising move, Nikon has acquired 100% of US-based RED Digital Cinema. Is it for the sensor technology and/or propriety Recode RAW?

What initially looked like a Photoshop comp job shot in studio – was actually a location shoot using 'stunt models' dangling by wires off a cliff!